Dear Members
It is with regret that I inform you that the decision has been made to cancel the 2020 State Conference in its usual form. This decision has been made in accordance with government advice as of 19 March 2020.
However, new arrangements will be made for the Annual General Meeting of The Country Women’s Association of Victoria Inc. planned for Friday 29 May 2020. Further details will be announced as they are formulated.
Refunds of State Conference 2020 payments will be made in due course.
The Board made a number of contingency plans on Tuesday 17 March regarding the Association’s desire and need to adhere to current and possible future safety issues for the containment of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
It is important to keep up to date with announcements from government. The government statement regarding gatherings of 100 or more has already affected many of our events.
If you have a cough or cold please stay at home so it is not passed on to others.
If you are more susceptible than the average person to coughs or colds then consider whether it is wise to attend a particular event.
Thank you for your continued thoughtfulness in considering the health of members and the public as you make decisions for your Branch and Group events.
Please continue to support and communicate with your fellow members and your community as you learn through and enjoy your membership.
I remind you of trusted sources of information such as those websites listed below.
Marion Dewar
State President