The Crafters Call Up

Tuesday 23rd – Friday 26th July 2024

Arrive after lunch Tuesday, depart after lunch Friday

The CWA of Victoria is offering its members and their friends the opportunity to have a few days R&R away from the hustle and bustle of daily life. At this getaway you will be staying in our gracious Bed &Breakfast in Toorak, fondly known as “Umina”.  Enjoy a time to meet new people who love to sew and craft and, of course, have a chat.  It will be a time to sit, relax, reflect, learn and create.

The Australian Quilt and Craft Fair is on too and we will spend a day exploring everything that this amazing event has to offer.  It’s not just a place for quilters, there is so much to see, learn and discover.

So, if you are not doing anything and would love a few days away from the hustle and bustle of life, come and join us.

Enjoy the ambience of our beautiful old building, the extensive gardens and scrumptious meals provided by renowned C W A cooks. Enjoy being pampered and spoiled!

Day 1 Tuesday 23rd July: 

Arrive at Umina between 2.00 – 3.00 pm. We will get together this evening to meet each other over dinner, followed by time to show any handwork you have done or are doing. You may like to bring a special piece that you are very proud of or a treasured piece you have. We will discuss requirements for a Crazy Patchwork workshop as you may wish to purchase some special embellishments at the Quilt and Craft Show.

Day 2 Wednesday 24th July: 

After breakfast we will travel to the Australian Quilt and Craft Fair being held at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre, Sth Wharf . More to come on what will be other highlights of the Show. 

Day 3 Thursday 25th July:

A day to enjoy just crafting ’n’ sitting to complete a UFO of your own or something new you want to do. After Afternoon tea we will gather in the Craft room for a Crazy Patchwork workshop and In the evening take part in a discussion on the problem of Textiles in landfill across the world and how we can help?

Day 4 Friday 26th July: A final morning of crafting and a talk on best craft sellers at markets before its time to depart for home after lunch.

What  is the cost and what is included:

Great value: Just $425 for a few days away from the hustle and bustle of every day. You deserve the break. Do something for you!

Accommodation at Umina B/B is available at an additional cost


What is included:

Tuesday – Afternoon Tea / Dinner

Wednesday – Dinner

Thursday – Lunch/ Dinner Morning and Afternoon Tea

Friday – Lunch. Morning Tea

General Admission to The Quilt and Craft Show on Day 2.

General advice and questions answered for anything you would like to know about  Tuition in the art of Crazy Patchwork to create a small project.

Call CWA Reception 0398278971 to book and pay for your Crafters Getaway now


Accommodation at Additional Cost

Room Rates:

For 3 days:

Single – no ensuite & shared facilities – $ 360.00

Share Twin – no ensuite & shared facilities –  $ 414.00

Share Twin – with ensuite – $ 468.00

Book and pay for your accommodation on registration.

Accommodation Registration

Call CWA Reception 0398278971 to book your spot now


Advanced Wet Felting and Slow Stitching Workshop

Advanced Wet Felting and Slow Stitching Workshop   

Where: Saturday 6 July 2024 9.30 am – 4.00pm

Venue:  The Country Women’s Association, Umina 3 Lansell Rd Toorak

Immerse yourself in mindfulness and enjoy learning the art of Felting or Slow Stitching.

Come and enjoy a relaxing day with experienced CWA tutors Mary and Karen as they lead you into these fascinating crafts.

Both these classes emphasise the reuse of textiles and giving them a new lease of life.

Let’s do our bit to reduce the phenomenal amount of textiles that end up in land fill.

A great opportunity – both classes are running simultaneously so you can choose to work on one class all day or try your hand at both. Same cost!

Both classes will teach the basics of the techniques.

Cost:  $190.00 per participant


Option 1: Advanced wet felting – Nuno felting technique with Mary

Nuno felting is the art of felting onto fabric using a loosely woven fabric and pure merino wool tops.

Mary will show you the technique of wet felting onto a silk scarf, how to add highlights and interesting textures to make your scarf distinctly unique. Scarf provided.


Option 2:   Slow Stitching Picture with Karen

This workshop will show you how to create a piece of embroidered work suitable to be framed, used as a wall hanging, an insert into a quilt or a cushion cover.

Using a recycled base, Karen will show you how to create a unique design from small bits and pieces of fabric, trimmings and simple embroidery stitches. A kit with all your requisites will be provided.

Just bring yourself!

And there’s more! The workshop price also covers Morning/Afternoon Tea and a light lunch prepared by renowned CWA cooks.


Terms and Conditions

Workshop cost: $190 per person

Workshop cost includes:

  • Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea catered for by renowned CWA cooks. Please advise if you have any food allergies.
  • Kits providing everything you need to complete your projects. However, please bring some sharp scissors.


Full payment required to secure your place.
Call reception on 9827 8971 to pay and secure your booking.


  • Payments are refunded, less 20%, if cancellation is made 14 days or more before the workshop.
  • No refund is possible if cancellation is made less than 14 days before the workshop.

Maximum number of participants: 10 people in Options 1 and 2.

Note that CWA Victoria reserves the right to cancel the workshop if the minimum number of participants is not reached, in which case full refund of payments made will be given.

2024 State Creative Arts Exhibition

2024 State Creative Arts Exhibition

Entries are now open for the 2024 State Creative Arts Exhibition. There are more than 260 different sections, so there will be one to suit every member! When you have studied the schedule fill in your entry forms and send them to the Entry Co-ordinator, Heather Scott. There are two Entry Forms:

  • State Exhibition Entry Form 2024 Handcrafts for entries in Sections 1-202.
  • State Exhibition Entry Form 2024 Home Industries for entries in Sections 203-266.

If you have more than 7-8 entries in either Handcrafts or Home Industries sections, there are Extra Entry Forms where you can fill in more entries, without having to repeat all the information on the main entry form:

  • State Exhibition Extra Entry Form 2024 Handcrafts for entrants with more than 7 entries in Sections 1-202.
  • State Exhibition Extra Entry Form 2024 Home Industries for entrants with more than 8 entries in Sections 203-266.

The entry forms are “fillable forms” – this means that you can open them on your computer and type directly into the boxes on the forms, and then save the completed form. You can also print out the form and handwrite, but please PRINT CLEARLY, scan your document as a .pdf file, and attach it to your email.

There are separate entry forms for the Group Exhibits, Sections 268-269 – these are issued to Group Presidents. If you cannot locate yours, email: : and copies will be emailed to you.

Entries close on Friday 19 July 2024.

Click here to download the 2024 State Exhibition Schedule

Click here to download the State Exhibition Entry Form 2024 Handcrafts  

Click here to download the State Exhibition Entry Form 2024 Home Industries 

Click here to download the State Exhibition Extra Entry Form 2024 Handcrafts 

Click here to download the State Exhibition Extra Entry Form 2024 Home Industries

Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I send in my Entry Form?

This year, we are encouraging members to email their Entry Forms to the Entry Co‑ordinator, Heather Scott, at:

Of course, if you do not have access to email, you may post your Entry Forms. The address is on the Entry Forms.

How do I pay the Entry Fee?

The Entry Fee of $5 cash per individual member is payable when you deliver your entries, either to Toorak or Moe.

ALL HANDCRAFT ENTRIES – may only be delivered between 9.30 am and 4.00 pm, Monday to Thursday, to 3 Lansell Road Toorak, between Tuesday 25 June and Tuesday 30 July 2024. Or deliver directly to the Moe Town Hall, 69 Albert St., Moe, on Monday 5 August 2024 between 2.00pm and 4.00pm.

If you are posting your entries to Head Office, please phone Head Office 9827 8971 to pay by credit card. Do not send stamps.

ONE WOMAN’S WORK, HOME INDUSTRIES AND GROUP ENTRIES must be delivered to the Moe Town Hall, 69 Albert St., Moe, on Thursday 8 August 2024 between 9.00am and 11.00am.

Do I have to win a prize in my Group Exhibition before I can enter the State Exhibition?

No, definitely not! Every member is welcome to enter the State Exhibition, whether or not they have ever entered a Group Exhibition.

Can I enter the same article that I entered in my Group Exhibition previously?

In general, yes. You can enter the same handcraft article, provided that it was completed within the past two years and has not been used or soiled. You can enter another jar from the same batch of preserves that you made for your Group Exhibition – but not the same jar, as it has been opened and tasted. You will need to make new entries in the cookery sections – they would be a bit stale otherwise!

Is my work good enough to be entered in the State Exhibition?

How will you know unless you try? Every entry in the State Exhibition receives a written comment from the judges, which is intended to give you feedback on your entry and encourage you to do better next time. Entering is a great learning experience, especially if you are able to visit the Exhibition and see your work on display, side by side with other members’ work.